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How I work

How I Work

“Container and Contained”


I seek to provide an environment that facilitates personal growth.

Change happens through the reliability and containment of the therapeutic encounter and in the constancy and safety of the space in which we meet.

We talk about what is on your mind.

Inevitably we look at the impact of your past experiences on the person you are now. Our work however is rooted in the present. I seek to facilitate your ability to work through your ongoing issues, to develop peace of mind, and to reformulate a future that is yours.

“How long will I need?”

This is personal to your situation. It could be that you are seeking short-term therapy of between six to twelve weeks in order to resolve a specific issue. Most people I work with embark on an open-ended process that can last up to six months, a year or well beyond, depending on their personal journey. You will know at any point whether you need or want to continue and you are free to leave at any time. At intervals, as part of an ongoing conversation between us, I will encourage you to reflect on the impact of the work.

Issues that psychotherapy and counselling can help with

Psychotherapy can help with a broad range of issues from, anxiety, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), right through to strategies to setting and attaining your goals.

Il mio background clinico comprende il lavoro con:

Paura dell'abbandono | rabbia | ansia | raggiungimento degli obiettivi | lutto | disturbo borderline di personalità (BPD) | comportamenti di controllo | depressione | difficoltà relazionali | dissociazione | abuso economico | violenza domestica | problemi familiari | senso di colpa | sviluppo dell'identità | questioni relative alla propria identità sessuale | solitudine | bassa autostima | pensieri e comportamenti ossessivi | psicosi | abuso psicologico | Disturbo post-traumatico da stress (PTSD) | difficoltà relazionali | abuso sessuale | vergogna | fobia sociale | stress sul lavoro | pensieri suicidi | abuso psicologico ed emotivo
Giovanni del Vecchio Psychotherapist based in Fitzrovia and Southwark

Giovanni del Vecchio

Psicoterapeuta Psicoanalitico

London Psychotherapy

Membro della Gilda degli Psicoterapeuti 

Accreditato UKCP

Guild of Psychotherapists Logo, Giovanni del Vecchio
UKCP Logo, Giovanni del Vecchio accredited Psychotherapist

Prenota un appuntamento

London Psychotherapy is based in Archway N19 (vicino le Metropolitane di Archway e Finsbury Park, e la Stazione Overground Upper Holloway)
